Experience of S & A PETROKIMIA

We have produced a "Market Research Study on Polyethylene Use" in 1989 for a wellknown Polyethylene producer in Indonesia, and are embarking on similar studies for two more petrochemical commodities.

Our experience in organizing Conference, Workshops etc. are as follows :

3October 1989 : "Petrochemical Business Opportunities in Indonesia " (Hotel Hyatt-Aryaduta)

30 October 1990 : "Indonesia's Intermediate Petrochemical Industry in the 90's" (Hotel Borobudur - Intercontinental)

17 October 1991 organized the "1st Indonesian Plastics Technology Conference" : S & A PETROKIMIA in cooperation with FIPLASIN (Federation of Indonesian Plastics Industry Associations) at the Jakarta Design Center

12 October 1992 organized the "2nd Indonesian Plastics Technology Conference" : S & A PETROKIMIA in cooperation with FIPLASIN (Federation of Indonesian Plastics Industry Associations) Theme : TECHNOLOGIES TO MEED DEMAND, again at the Hotel Borobudur)

8 - 10 January 1993 organized a "Polymer Training Workshop" at Hotel Indonesia, Jakarta which was held in conjunction with the Second International Conference on Frontiers of polymer and Advanced Materials, 10 - 15 January 1993, in cooperation with the Himpunan Polimer Indonesia (Indonesian polymer Association)

24 August 1994 organized "The Workshop on Plastics Waste Recycling" in Indonesia at the Hotel Indonesia, Jakarta in cooperation with PKK (Women's Organization), IPI (Indonesia Scavengers organization), AIDUPI (Indonesia's Plastics Recycling Association) and FIPLASIN (Federation of Indonesian Plastics Industry Associations)

20 - 21 November 1995 : organized "The Indonesian Conference on Aromatics" (Hotel Grand Hyatt)

26 - 27 June 1996 : organized "The Indonesian Conference on Natural Gas for Petrochemicals" (Le Meredien Jakarta)

17 - 18 June 1997 : Conference on : "The Asia-Pacific Petrochemical Industry" (Jakarta Hilton International)

1 October 1997 : "Workshop on Engineering Plastics for Automotive, Electronic and Other Components" (Millenium Sirih Hotel)

Our conferences have good attendance from the point of view of number of participants (about 100 - 125) as well as job status an profession.

We closely cooperate with the Foundation : Yayasan Petrokimia & Perplastikan (YPP) which organizes practical courses (including "in-plant" training) for the petrochemical and plastics industry in Indonesia.


Di tahun 1989 kami telah menghasilkan satu "Market Research Study on Polyethylene Use" untuk produsen Polyethylene terkemuka di Indonesia dan akan memulai Studi Pasar untuk dua komoditi petrokimia lainnya dalam waktu dekat.

Pengalaman kami dalam menyelenggarakan Konperensi, lokakarya dan lain sebagainya adalah seperti tertera diatas dan semuanya mendapat perhatian yang cukup baik ditinjau dari jumlah maupun dari tingkat profesionalitas peserta. S&A PETROKIMIA bekerjasama dengan erat dengan Yayasan Petrokimia dan Perplastikan yang menyelenggarakan kursus-kursus praktis untuk industri petrokimia dan perplastikan (termasuk pula kursus "in plant").